

A Radio is a UI element that lets users select a single option from a set of mutually exclusive choices, usually with a label explaining each option.

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Relevant information about "Radio"

Allowing Single Selections

A Radio is a UI element designed to allow users to select a single value from a predefined set of mutually exclusive options. This ensures that only one option can be chosen at a time, making it ideal for scenarios where a specific choice is required, such as selecting a payment method or answering a multiple-choice question.

Grouping Options

Radios are typically arranged in groups, with each button representing a different option. Grouping Radios helps organize related choices and provides a clear structure for users. When one Radio in the group is selected, any previously selected button is automatically deselected, maintaining the exclusivity of the choices.

Explaining Options

Each Radio usually includes a label that explains the option it stands for. This label provides context and clarity, helping users understand what each choice represents. Clear labeling is essential for an intuitive user experience, ensuring that users can make informed decisions quickly and easily. Our UI kit includes customizable Radio components that can be easily tailored to fit any design, providing a user-friendly way to present exclusive options.


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